UPDATE: Apparently they don’t sell the dial cap individually, so I’d have to buy a whole replacement knob. WHICH WILL COST $110.
Man, fuck you. That part isn’t even molded into the knob, so I shouldn’t have to pay for a whole new one. Also that part definitely isn’t worth $110, especially if I’m the one who’s installing it. BAH.
I guess I’ll have to save up to get this service done, since it’s the same price and they’ll do it for me.
UPDATE 2: Looks like it’s significantly cheaper to just buy the whole top cover assembly from a 7D on ebay just to steal the dumb dial cap.
In the meantime I’ve bought this cap, which isn’t the right part, since I don’t have a locking dial, but whatever. It’s a $20 fix that will do for now.
Oh for fucks sake. Seriously #canon? Is this even something I can get replaced? (Taken with Instagram)