There was some thought and discussion to the background to the penicorn… because what else are you going to think about at 1 in the morning?
Q: Does it fire off rainbows when threatened and/or agressive?
A: Agressive. The penicorn is never threatened. It is the mightiest of beasts, don’t let the hearts emblazoned on its bottom fool you.
This was the first thing I saw when I logged on this morning. After a few hours with it galloping through my waking nightmares spraying rainbows all over my property and life I had to look at it again. So many questions. I wondered why it would be so angry until I thought about how I would feel if I had a giant dong flopping around on my head. Is the penis strictly ornamental or does it serve reproductive purposes? Oh Penicorn, you are an enigma wrapped in a mystery surrounded by questions and a giant dick on your face.
The grace and beauty of the legendary penicorn, glistening in the morning dew (I hope that’s morning dew).