Another Photo Series of the Day: “The ballroom of the 15-floor art-deco Lee Plaza Hotel, an apartment building with hotel services built in 1929 and derelict since the early 1990s.”
Just one of several “startling images” to be found in The Ruins of Detroit, a book of photos snapped by Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre during seven week-long visits to Detroit between 2005 and 2009.
From The Observer:
The book’s photographs suggest the countless strange and sad narratives from urban life in America in the mid-to-late 20th century. It is also a book of testimony, which not only illustrates the dramatic decline of a major American city, but of the American Dream itself. Many of the images seem post-apocalyptic, as if some sudden catastrophe has struck downtown Detroit, forcing everyone to abandon homes and workplaces and flee the city.
A few more photos can be found here.
See Also: Gary, Indiana: A City’s Ruins. (thanks david!)
Dear Detroit,
I’ll be seeing you soon, can’t wait for you to murder me.