Movies to the Death: Priest in 3D!Transporter Jason Statham Paul Bettany plays a ninja trained vampire hunting priest who abandons his religious vows to save his brother’s daughter who’s been kidnapped by vampires.
Fuckin’ ay. This movie is all bad movie cliches pulled into one. Vampires, cowboys, a train that needs to be blown up, motorcycles with nitrous boosters a'la Fast & The Furious/Torque, Matrix style fights with crucifixes that turn into ninja stars, people walking away from explosions, minimal dialogue, and when Bettany does talk, he’s channeling Jason Statham delivering raspy one liners like “… It’s just the beginning.” Oh, and he’s also paired with a pouty cowboy sherriff sidekick who’s played by Spencer Cam Gigandet.
All and all, it’s exactly what I like in a bad movie, and there was one specific fight scene that had me saying “OH FUCK YOU” at the ridiculousness, which I can only equate to the ridiculousness of the Transporter 2 crane hook bomb scene.
What I’m saying is I enjoyed this movie.