liezl at work | 06.12.10
Let me preface this (for the overbearing and very real lawyers) that I LOVE work. I love musicals and the nice patrons are the reason why I’ve worked here for 10 years… however, I do have my days in which I rethink things.
Oh Lion King, I now remember why I loved working your shows so much… aside from bringing out the interesting people who seem to have never stepped outside their house to see a musical, there were a number of things that made the night immensely more interesting throughout the venue including:
- a broken ankle … and not the way you expect it to break.
- a kid vomiting during the show.
- a mother’s allergic reaction to drinking her kids juicy juice
(she opted to not go to the hospital because she wanted to eat at Maggianos after the show. #priorities) - confrontation with a man talking on the phone during the show
(“what do you mean this is distracting?”) - lady who couldn’t walk up the stairs and asked one of my ushers to carry her UP three flights of stairs, IN THE WHEELCHAIR. (#WHAT?)
- a classy man who just didn’t understand what was wrong with carrying around a 2 liter bottle of diet cola, like it was a regular bottle of fiji water.
- me not giving a shit anymore and taking this photo, which may have been the highlight of the night. or maybe it was the pizza for lunch. I’m torn.