Comedy, Photography, and a 3rd generic interest


Fresno State | Interpretive Signage | 05.13.13

I never really talk about my actual job, but with Fresno State’s Peace Garden dedication today and official press release, I can finally share this one.

Last year my office was tasked by Fresno to revamp the wayfinding signage on campus and I was personally tasked to do the interpretive illustrations

Making these involved first conceptualizing the design, making several trips to Fresno to take pictures of landmarks from every angle for reference material, figuring out what material could withstand Fresno’s heat, then weeks of illustration and another couple weeks to painfully proofread every word … because you absolutely can’t muck up something that will be permanently laser etched into granite.

So that’s what I actually do for a living when not shooting comedy, and it’s pretty great when it all turns out as planned… especially when the client agrees.