For you folks who get irritated that they’re not getting recognition/fame/3rd thing right now, realize that the majority of the folks you like have been at it trying to make any name for themselves for years. This weekend W. Kamau Bell mentioned he’s been doing stand up for 18 years (18 YEARS).
The reality of the timeline is humbling, and I hope that tones down the demands of those green enough to expect something in return now.
What I’m saying is relax.
I got to sit down with Scott Aukerman to talk about his new IFC show, and with Jason Mantzoukas to watch him make fun of Scott a lot.
Midnight Snack: La Poubelle with Scott Aukerman & Jason Mantzoukas
Farley: As far as the IFC show goes, do you feel like it’s been a long time coming?
Scott: Too long! Like, what the fuck took it so long?!
Jason: Woah, woah, woah. Be humble, Scott.
Scott: Shut up Jason. Who are you to think that I shouldn’t have a TV show?!
Jason: This interview is not going to turn out the way you want it to.
Scott: Honestly though, it’s crazy to me that I have a TV show. It’s weird. I don’t deserve it.
Jason: I agree. Everybody agrees.
Scott: When I first started and I got into comedy and I got onto “Mr. Show with Bob and David,” I assumed that I would be starring in my own show the very next year.
Jason: That’s the whole thing. I remember starting in 1998 and thinking that I’d be on SNL in a couple of years. Not the case. At all.
Read more here.