catmansmuckers replied to your photo: Computer is frozen again and I’m pretty sure my...
me too!! seriously, this just happened to me too! wtf is it??
My computer had been flickering black before it finally decided to freeze up this morning. On every reboot, it would lock up on the gray apple logo screen. After about 12 restarts, I'd get a translucent black kernel panic screen telling me to restart.
Resetting the PRAM didn’t work, nor could I boot in safe mode from an install disk. It would always just lock up on the gray apple screen or give me the kernel panic screen telling me to restart.
However, I could access files in Target Disk Mode (thanks Broyles!) and pull all my files off.
I restarted my computer in Single User Mode and typed in /sbin/fsck -fy, which will run disk utility and repair from Unix. I ran this command multiple times until it said ** The volume (name of volume) appears to be OK.“.
From there, I was able to reboot and make it to my desktop. It was a couple hours until I came back to my computer and found it frozen again on a screen saver.
I’ve since given up on it and am in the process of erasing the drive using Disk Utility on my work computer via Target Disk Mode and I have an appointment tomorrow with the Genius Bar, just so I can find out how fucked this thing is for curiosities sake.